MEMO Team Records

MEMO records are kept and updated regularly for all age groups, in all courses:

Team records are also kept for all relays:

MEMO Top Ten

USMS Top Ten rankings are the gold standard of Masters Swimming

As of the end of 2023, MEMO has 506 Top Ten swims by individuals, and 490 relay teams in the Top Ten. Wow!

2011: Individual SCY Relays

2012: Individual SCM Relays SCM

2013: Individual SCM, LCM Relays SCY, SCM, LCM

2014: Individual SCY, SCM, LCM Relays SCY, SCM, LCM

2015: Individual SCY, SCM, LCM Relays SCY, SCM, LCM

2016: Individual SCY, SCM, LCM Relays SCY, SCM, LCM

2017: Individual SCY, SCM, LCM Relays SCY, LCM

2018: Individual SCY, SCM, LCM Relays SCY, SCM, LCM

2019: Individual SCY, SCM, LCM Relays SCY, SCM, LCM

2020: Individual SCY, SCM, LCM Relays

2021: Individual SCM Relays SCM

2022: Individual SCY, SCM, LCM Relays SCY, SCM, LCM

2023: Individual SCM, LCM Relays SCY, SCM, LCM

2024: Individual SCY, SCM, LCM Relays SCY, SCM, LCM

MEMO All Americans

USMS All Americans have achieved the fastest time in the nation

2014: Relays

Breiter, Johnson, Haufler, MS Benjamin W/55+ 400 Medley Relay (SCY)

2015: Individual

Catherine Breed W/18-24 400 free (SCM)


Freeman, Eason, Lopez, Parker M/35+ 800 Free Relay (SCY)

S. Breiter, C. Breiter, M. Benjamin, Chew X/55+ 800 Free Relay (SCY)

Banks, Mazure, Bugglin, Breed X/72-79 200 Free Relay (LCM)

Mazure, Banks, Breed, Bugglin X/72-99 400 Medley Relay (LCM)

2016: Individual

Catherine Breed W/18-24 100 Free (SCM)

Catherine Breed W/18-24 200 Free (SCM)

Penelope Yamauchi W/25-29 200 Back (SCY)

Penelope Yamauchi W/25-29 100 IM (SCY)


Wyant, Curran, Harris, Breed W/72-99 200 Medley Relay (SCM)

Breed, Wyant, Harris, Curran W/72-99 400 Free Relay (SCM)

Yamauchi, Ward, Gregory, Breed X/100-119 200 Medley Relay (LCM)

Gregory, Ward, Yamauchi, Breed X/100-119 400 Free Relay (LCM)

Yamauchi, Banks, Breed, Zlotoff X/100-119 400 Medley Relay (LCM)

2017: Individual

Catherine Breed W/18-24 10K postal (Long Distance)

Catherine Breed W/18-24 200 Back (SCY)

Penelope Yamauchi W/25-29 200 Back (SCY)


Cooper, Seitz, Jones, Gregory M/18+ 400 Free Relay (SCY)

Cooper, Zlotoff, Ward, Banks M/18+ 800 Free Relay (SCY)

Kline, Banks, Zlotoff, Ward M/25+ 400 Free Relay (SCY)

Breed, Yamauchi, Choy, Sims W/18+ 400 Free Relay (SCY)

Choy, Yamauchi, Sims, Breed W/18+ 400 Medley Relay (SCY)

Gregory, Yamauchi, Lewis, Kline X/100-119 400 Free Relay (LCM)

2018: Relays

N. Laszlo, Basham, Danna, MB Benjamin W/72-79 400 Free Relay (SCM)

Ruebner-Petersen, Te, Williams, MB Benjamin W/100-119 800 Free Relay (SCM)

2019: Relays

N. Laszlo, Lapidario, Rodriguez, Belegbayar W/100-119 400 Medley Relay (SCM)

2020: Individual

Stephen Small: M/65-69 6000 postal (Long Distance)

2021: Individual

Miriam Benjamin: W/25-29 400 IM (SCM

Stephen Massaro: M/35-39 1500 Free (SCM)


Chan, Condon, Torru, Harding M/100-119 400 Free Relay (SCM)

Chan, Chen, Torru, Harding M/100-119 400 Medley Relay (SCM)

Chan, Kelly, Harding, Ward M/100-119 800 Free Relay (SCM)

Portelance, Ward, Kelly, Lancelot M/120-159 200 Medley Relay (SCM)

Kelly, Lancelot, Ward, Portelance M/120-159 400 Free Relay (SCM)

Song, Torru, Owens, Chen M/120-159 800 Free Relay (SCM)

Redor, Lu, Murillo, Polanco-Jiminez W/100-119 200 Medley Relay (SCM)

Redor, Polanco-Jiminiz, Lu, Murillo W/100-119 400 Free Relay (SCM)

Bremer, Roriz, Grant, Rambo W/100-119 400 Medley Relay (SCM)

Grant, MB Benjamin, Roriz, Rafalson W/100-119 800 Free Relay (SCM)

Condon, Roriz, Grant, Bremer W/120-159 200 Medley Relay (SCM)

de la Torre, Burger, Cavalli, Shu W/200-239 200 Free Relay (SCM)

N. Lazslo, Kruglikov, Rafalson, K. Rentschler X/100-119 400 Medley Relay (SCM)

2022: Individual

Carrie Hahnel W/40-44 OW 5K (Long Distance)


Harding, Torru, Chien, Pine M/25+ 800 Free Relay (SCY)

Shu, Burger, Cavalli, Voight W/45+ 800 Free Relay (SCY)

Pine, Chen, Harding, Rentschler M/100-119 400 Medley Relay (SCM)

Corwin, Hahnel, Massaro, Bentley X/160-199 200 Medley Relay (SCM)

Citron, Small, Winterrowd, Benjamin M/280-319 800 Free Relay (LCM)

2023: Individual

Penelope Yamauchi W/30-34 100 Back (SCM)

Penelope Yamauchi W/30-34 50 Breast (SCM)

Stephen Small M/70-74 6000 Virtual (Long Distance)


Yamauchi , Jalihal, Choy, Ogle-Sporer X/100-119 400 Free Relay (SCM)

Small, Winterrowd, Tsugawa, Citron M/65+ 800 Free Relay (SCY)

Song, Wehmann, Lehnert M/35+ 3x6000 Virtual (Long Distance)

2024: Individual

Cathy Teng W/18-24 50 Free (LCM)

Cathy Teng W/18-24 100 Free (LCM)

Cathy Teng W/18-24 200 Free (LCM)

Cathy Teng W/18-24 100 Fly (LCM)

Mike Xu M/18-24 3000 Virtual (Long Distance)

Mike Xu M/18-24 6000 Virtual (Long Distance)


Xu, Lehnert, Small M/18+ 3x6000 Virtual (Long Distance)