United States Masters Swimming
2021 Club of the Year
Marcia’s Enthusiastic Masters of Oakland
Photo Credit: Becca Wyant
First join United States Masters Swimming.
All members of MEMO must be a member of USMS. The cost is $75 annually. Click here to join.
Pay MEMO through Zelle
Use the team email of memoswimteam@gmail.com. Fees are $100/month, or $15/swim.
Sign the WAIVER
Print it out and return it at your first practice.
If you are currently a member of another team and you wish to join MEMO, swimmers can do so three times each calendar year. Log in to USMS.org, click on “My Account,” and then “Transfer My Membership.”
USMS has a one month trial period for never-registered swimmers. You can have one free swim with MEMO. Click here to fill out the online form.
U.S. Masters Swimming is organized sport for adults. It is not lessons. You must be 18 years old to join. Read all about it.